50th Anniversary Celebration
Celebrate 50 years of The Golf Club at Eagle Pointe! The 50th Anniversary Celebration Golf Outing is open to residents and non-residents.
Saturday, June 24, 2023
Check-in: 11am
Shotgun start: 12pm
$500/foursome includes golf, tee gift, lunch and dinner
Sponsorship opportunities are available.
Hole Sponsor: $100
Beverage Cart Sponsor: $1,500
Lunch and Dinner Sponsor: $2,500
Gold Sponsor: $3,000 (includes a foursome)
This event is hosted by The Eagle Pointe Foundation and benefits the Smithville Food Pantry.
Contact General Manager Jeff Schroeder at jschroeder@kempersports.com or call the Golf Shop at (812) 824-4040 with any questions.